Training Translation

Training translation enables participants to participate in their preferred language which leads to higher engagement and faster learning.

Let Wordly Support Your Training Translation Needs

Training events are critical to every organization's success. Whether it’s training for customer onboarding, new HR policies, or teaching sales reps about new products, the key is to provide timely high-quality training. Since most organizations have multilingual speakers, offering simultaneous translation can significantly boost training effectiveness for all attendees. The Wordly platform uses the power of AI to provide affordable, easy-to-use training translation solutions which don’t rely on human interpreters. Wordly enables organizations to offer an inclusive solution that does not exclude participants who prefer to learn in a different language.

Virtual Training

Accelerate knowledge transfer, extend reach and engage global teams more effectively. Increase partner mindshare, and provide transcripts for deeper study. Market conditions and sales strategies change quickly and you need to respond.

Language transparency allows your training teams to get the right training to the entire organization more quickly and effectively. It also makes your online training sessions as compelling as possible to inspire employees to deliver their best.

In Person Training

Allow employees and partners to follow along on their own device in their preferred language. Increase inclusivity, interactivity, and performance. Finding the right people for your business is expensive and time consuming. Wordly lets you train new team members up to their maximum performance level. For effective two-way communication with subject matter experts, trainers, and senior leadership, real-time translation offers huge potential value. Wordly makes training translation always available, day or night.

Hybrid Training

Allow your best experts to train your team, regardless of the languages each person speaks best! AI translation gets the right knowledge to the right people faster, for greater productivity. Training sessions tend to be intense, back-to-back, full days. Make the most of your extended team’s mental energy by removing translating in their head from the to-do list. Increase camaraderie and informal knowledge sharing by allowing the teams to understand and form better working relationships with each other.

The Wordly Advantage

Wordly training interpretation is powered by a proven AI-based solution. The real-time translation platform is cloud based and provides a faster, easier, more cost effective solution for training sessions than legacy human interpretation services.

Wordly is used by companies across all industries and enables training session participants to read along or listen to instructors in their preferred language on their own computer or mobile device.

Wordly also supports multilingual webinar translation. Increase attendee understanding, excitement and engagement by allowing all webinar participants to select their preferred language.

Live Translation Datasheet

DATASHEET - Wordly Platform Overview

Review the features of the Wordly translation platform which provides live translation for audio and captions into dozens of languages.

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